Books & Special Issues
- Listening With Earth: Ecologies of Embodiment II. (2024) Journal of Embodied Research. JER 7:2, online publication.
- Co-editing with the more-than human: Ecologies of Embodiment I. (2022) Journal of Embodied Research. JER 5:2, online publication.
- Tensional Responsiveness: Ecosomatic Aliveness and Sensitivity with Human and More-Than (2021) Transcript Verlag. click here to order hardcover or download e-book/ pdf for free. ISBN: 978-3-8376-6011-1
Independent Publications
- What if … The future-shaping potentials of knowing egalitarian societies. (2024). Special Issue on The Dawn of Everthing. Camilla Power and
Chris Knight (eds). Hunter Gatherer Research (2024), 8.3–4 . - Editorial for Listening With Earth: Ecologies of Embodiment II. (2024), with Raffaele Rufo. Journal of Embodied Research. JER 7:2, video article
- Celebrating both/and bodying: transformative learning, transdisciplinarity, and interculturality in Barcelona. Environment, Development and Sustainability (Environ Dev Sustain) (2023). doi: 10.1007/s10668-023-03189-x
- Editorial for Co-editing with the more-than human: Ecologies of Embodiment, with Raffaele Rufo. Journal of Embodied Research (2022). JER 5:2, video article. doi: 10.16995/jer.10129.mp4
- Novel Ecosystemic Awareness: Singing-Dancing-Laughing with Earth. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices (2021), 13 (1-2), 53-65. doi: 10.1386/jdsp_00036_1
- Fascias: Methodological Propositions and Ontologies That Stretch and Slide. Body & Society (2020), 26(3), 94-109. doi: 10.1177/1357034X20952138
- Motility and fascia: how neurophysiological knowledge can contribute to mobility studies. Journal for Applied Mobilities (2019). doi: 10.1080/23800127.2019.1667067
- Ritual, Body, and Senses in the 5Rhythms Movement Practice. Journal for Ritual Studies (2018), 32(1), 11-23.
- Capacidad de movimiento: Motilidad como clave para entender movilidades y transformación social de los grupos Baka en Gabón. Quaderns de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia (2017), 33, 153-167.
- We descended the Ivindo: Baka Migration to Northeastern Gabon from the 1960s to Today. African Study Monographs (2017), 38(2), 63-96. doi: 10.14989/225260
- From Mobility to Motility: The Baka in North-Eastern Gabon.Hunter-Gatherer Research (2015), 1(4), 421–444. doi: 10.3828/hgr.2015.22
- Sardana and Castellers: Moving Bodies and Cultural Politics in Catalonia. Social Anthropology (2015), 23(4), 435–449. doi: 10.1111/1469-8676.12219
- Social Change mirrored in Baka Dance and Movement: Observations from the River Ivindo in Gabon. Hunter-Gatherer Research (2015), 1(1) 61-83. doi: 10.3828/hgr.2015.4
- Motility and Relational Mobility of the Baka in North-Eastern Gabon. (2013) PhD Thesis. Online Publication:
- Goldwäscherei und Popmusik: Dynamische Einflüsse auf das Leben der Baka am Fluss Ivindo (Gabun) (2013/2). Heinrich-Barth-Kurier. Cologne.
Book Chapters
- Shared Ecosomatic Literacy of Human with More-than: Decolonial Bodying and Resonating. (2025) In Non-Western Approaches to the Environmental Humanities. (eds) Gabriela Jarzębowska-Lipińska, Aleksandra Ross, and Krzysztof Skonieczny (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, forthcoming)
- Interdisciplinary Education Against Eco-anxiety: Learning How to Know About Bodying, Fascias, and Ecological Embeddedness. (2023) In: Leal Filho, W., Azul, A.M., Doni, F., Salvia, A.L. (eds) Handbook of Sustainability Science in the Future. Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-68074-9_92-2
- Moving With: Molecular Mobilities and Our Connective Tissue Fascia. In Jensen, Lassen, Lange (eds), Material Mobilities (2019). Changing Mobilities Series. Routledge. ISBN 9780429582103
- Resonating with different worlds: how Baka musical practices generate sociality, identities and connection to ritual spirits. In Josep Martí & Sara Revilla Gútiez (eds), Making Music, Making Society (2018). Cambridge Scholars. ISBN 9781527503694
Podcast & Audio-Visual Works
- Podcast Remember-Your-Body, Series 2, on bodies and the fields of anatomy, economics, environment, architecture, mobility and systems thinking.
- The Sounds of Non-Violence – a video-poem, around experiences with the more-than-human, especially birds and trees. Emerging from collaborating on the ‘Bakhita research project’ during ‘We will Dance with Mountains Course‘ 2020/2021, together with Bayo Akomolafe and Fire #6. Here is the poem text of the video.
- ‘A Moabi tree speculates future interweavings of human with vegetal life’. Speaking from the perspective of the tropical forest tree Moabi about socio-ecological change. At ‘Fabulation for Future‘, International Committee to Save the Earth through Speculative Fabulation. Film University Babelsberg, Germany. September 13-23, 2021.
- Dating A Tree – Dating A Composition, Collaborative video storytelling and ecosomatic practice ‘Encountering a Tree‘ [click on middle branch piece] in 4 languages (English, German, Spanish and Polish)
- Lichen Encounters, co-created experimentation with lichens, including a ‘Journey into Lichen Layering‘ [click on link in top left-hand corner].
- ‘Changing Perspectives by Water Magic’ – performance about travelling in a dugout canoe along the River Ivindo in Gabon surrounded by incredible shape-shifting natures. Created for exhibition ‘The Stories They Told’, 5th Base Gallery, London, August 12-17, 2016.
- ‘Moving Choices’ – Dance the PhD – nomination for Science and AAAS annual contest to present outcome of doctoral research by means of dancing, November 2013.
Please contact me for publications if you do not have institutional access to academic journals